
Tuesday, September 07, 2010

sun travels

september road

There's a contest going on at the Swedish travel agency Solresor 's website. Anyone with a laptop, digital camera and a blog can be a travel reporter and document the ongoing travel. Such a nifty idea for a contest! Admittedly I'm rarely lucky in such contests but as my birthday is coming up thus it should be my extra lucky time of the year I ought to try that luck anyway, don't you think?

Of the different destinations Solresor have I would love an opportunity to Fly&Drive explore Mallorca by car for a week. I think car holidays is just about the perfect way to get past the regular tourist tracks and get to see just a little bit more of another culture and way of life in your own pace. And Mallorca as destination would of course be a good excuse to brush up on that lost but not forgotten Spanish too.

So may the sun and the fortune be with me, here's my blog post entry ~


  1. Good luck! Surely the gods and goddesses will be smiling on you in this, especially since you have a birthday coming soon! What a wonderful gift it would be!

  2. Oh man, that sounds like heaven! Good luck!


  3. It's a pretty awesome competition! Good luck to us! :)

  4. Anonymous7:52 pm

    go for it and good luck! love this photo!


  5. Fyller du också år snart? :)

    Vi kanske ska ta en resa och prata skrivande istället? :)


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Other than that, truly lovely to hear from you ~