
Sunday, September 17, 2006

Election day

Yes the time has passed over midnight here in Sweden, and September 17th in the year 2006 is Election day. I usually pre-vote at the postoffice, but since I got that darn cold I didn't have the time for that. So I just have to drag myself to the polling station early tomorrow (or today) morning... Such a fuss, I could be without really, but I do think it's both a right and obligation as a citizen to make one's voice heard with a vote on election day. As futile as it may seem... Well, I suppose we've got the politicians we deserve...

My personal opionion in the matter of politicians nowadays is - unfortunately and sadly - that they each is as bad as the other, with few exceptions. They seem to spend most of their time complaning about and tarring the opponents politics, blame everyone else but themselves for their own mistakes - why on earth does it seem so very difficult for people inlc politicians to take responsability for ones own mistakes...?!

Wouldn't it be a tiny bit better to put the energy into explaining one's own politics instead of tarring the opponents...? Just a simple thought on the matter... And actually, just because your opponents arguments on a topic sinks to yet another low-watermark, you don't have to follow on that path...

Having said all that - sorry Anne, maybe you feel like striking me with Flora filled with bricks now... - I do hope there'll be a change in government as September 17th turns to 18th. It's another unfortunate fact in the matter of politics and being in power of something, that power corrupts.

And that's certainly, and sadly, being a fact when it comes to the social democratic party leading Sweden for a very, very long time now. Only being in opposition for nine years of the the last 73 years, they do take a lot of things for granted...

And the ruling of nepotism and scare-tactics, benefit-dependence and somewhat strange taxes sometimes - though I do believe the taxation-system basically is a decent and good thing, IF the money coming in through taxation also is spent wisely by the public sector that is... Which it more seldom than often is, unfortunately. And belive you me, I've seen far too much of that with my own eyes...

Talking about eyes, yes, see, another aspect of no-one taking responsability and blaming others and the "system"- the mantra being "just as long as I get my pay-check through the system every month..."

Anyway, having said all this, I'm off thinking a bit more about the newly opened, wonderful movie I saw last evening - of which I'll write more some other day - and leave you with a picture of our new and very gifted, charming prime minister in the fantastic fourlegged government - adorable Knut Knebworth! More about him and his cabinet of equally charming ministers you can find at (of course) Katter iFokus.

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