
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Process chart of a cold

Sitting here, sniffling and coughing all over the computer - yes it's me in the picture on the right, in my little red fur looking all sad and miserable, and very cute! - can't help but thinking about how foreseeable a cold in Pia's world is.

With some rare exceptions - and what would the world be without exceptions? - the cold always run after at process chart. As follow:
  1. sore throat *oh no, not again, why didn't I see this coming?!*
  2. even more sore throat *full of self-pity*
  3. sniffle, sniffle and still a sore throat *even MORE self-pity*
  4. sniffle, sore throat AND a terrible cough which makes me throw up (which isn't particulary nice when one has anything to actually throw up, even less so when there isn't anything to fill the toilet with...) *oh yes, EVEN MORE self-pity, someone please kill me*
  5. add fever, headache and aching limbs (and all sorts of psychedelic dreams)
  6. the sore throat has vacation for a while, the coughing has excelled and now the throat starts making some weird noises of its own *give me an A, an I, an L...*
  7. oh no, my senses of smell and taste are gone *I just continue drinking that applejuice and eating hot, hot food, when I can get it, preferably vegetables in green curry*
  8. coughing excells even more, from a dry cough to a wet, slimey one *just as yummy as it sounds... Poor windpipes!*
  9. tastebuds and nose are back in business *you really ought to take a shower now...*
  10. my voice won't be back completely for yet some weeks *let's make the most of this sexy, hoarse voice*

If I'm lucky this scheme takes about 1,5 weeks to get through, if I'm not at all lucky it takes up until a month. Right now I'm in the stages 5-7 anyway. I somehow, in my good moments see a way out of this. The light in the end of a long, coughing tunnel one might say.

Does anyone know why it's so completely uninteresting to hear about other people's illnesses but so fascinating to talk, tell and dwell on and about ones own?


  1. Ynk, ynk - jag är också sjuuuuk. :(

    Rejäl handväsketittningstur när vi är friska? Vi är ju lite hemska som bara håller oss till en affär menar jag.

  2. Host, host, känns som jag är på väg ut ur bomullstunneln dock nu, hoppas jag...

    Så klart, kika handväska låter bra, man kan alltid drömma lite tills nästa gång det är investeringsdags...:)

    Och naturligtvis, vi har ju varit väldigt elaka som varit så begränsade i vårt "tittande"...;)


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