
Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The prettiest mittens

When I met a friend for dinner last evening I thought I should have a quick look at Åhléns - one of Stockholm's largest, if not the largest, departmentstore with a wide range of clothes, cosmetics both in style and prices - if they perhaps had the new Winter-collection of Odd Molly's cute scarves and mittens.

Can't say I was too impressed by the different clerks knowledge of the brands the store sells... I wonder if this really a sign of the times, lousy organization and the "I-don't-know-go-ask-someone-else"? And not only in catclubs and at catshows...

Anyway, I did find some of the berets and scarves in a box in the end. And yes, there they were, the mittens, only one pair left. A pair of cute navy blue ones in lambswool with a hint of nylon. With some nice looking details and of course some words of more or less comprehensible wisdom:

Challenge prudence, consume life, enjoy the grand view

Eh, ok, I'll try, maybe... But the mittens now is a part of my wardrobe for the season anyway. And such a nice part too. Even if they smell a bit strange, like paint and oriental insense...

Dinner with friend shouldn't be forgotten either, a very pleasant one indeed. New ideas mixing with old ones, forming new constellations that perhaps will be truly full of really comprehensible wisdom one of these days. When I have sorted them out and decided what to do with them...


  1. Jättefina vantar. Jag har fortfarande ingen aning om vilka sorts handbeklädnader det ska bli för mig i höst/viner. Tyvärr tror jag inte att vantarna passar till min svarta kappa. Jag får leta vidare efter både stövlar(eller stövletter?) och vantar/handskar. Oj, nu blev jag lite stressad. Jag hoppas verkligen jag hittar något i helgen.

  2. Tack:)De finns visst i grått, naturvitt och beige också.

    Oh det som finns så mycket fint ute nu, Åhléns nya accessoar-avdelning hade hemskt mycket trevligt, i alla prisklasser och märken.

    Annars är ju hemstickat/handstickat ett trevligt alternativ, så får man dem precis som man vill liksom:)

    Låter som om du har en mysig shoppinghelg framför dig!


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