
Thursday, October 05, 2006

What not to wear

The issue of today, and tomorrow, is what not to wear or rather what to wear this weekend. The organizers of the crafts fair this weekend at Zeta's Trädgård want the booth-holders to wear something slightly oldfashioned and special.

So one has to give that a bit of thought - and of course concidering the weather too, it shouldn't come as a surprise if it rains...

Oh, so much clothes and outfit-options, so little time...

I've just finished Sophie Kinsella's "The secret dreamworld of a shopaholic" and it was great, light fun, it gave me lots of laughs and giggles of recognition. Only partly, of course... Like a better written Marian Keynes without all her weight-hangups. What surprised me though was that she had totally forgotten about handbags - what kind of true shopaholic would forget about that, I wonder...?!

So now I have another issue to ponder over, what not to read or rather what to read next, something more intellectual, something light, a suspense novel... Here too the options are many, varied and give me a bit of a problem. So many books, so little time...

I think I'll just have to lie down in a field of mohair shawls - joining Prunella, who seems to have found her true calling - and just wait for the right outfit, the right book to appear. Preferably very litterally, but I wouldn't be surprised if it came in a more figuratively way... *Yaaawn*

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