
Sunday, November 05, 2006

Weekend cat blogging # 74

But it'll be my first one, WCB that is! I've always found it a really nice weekendly thing, but I have thought it was just for distinguished food-bloggers, which I'm not. Not really. Just a very random one. An extremly random one.

Anyway, who'll be my first cat out amongst the hairy, much loved bunch then... Why not start with the youngest one, little, chubby blacktortiespotted british shorthair Siri (from my own breeding) 7 months old.

Little, pretty, cuddly one!!

This weekend's catblogging is hosted by Lali et Cie! at the French Riviera. All the participants you'll find here.


  1. Anonymous2:09 pm

    Hello Pia! There is a first time for everything, even WCB! Siri is lovely!

  2. Your absolutely right about that:)

    Siri has a temperamnet that goes very well with her looks, a true sweetheart she is!

  3. Pia,

    Do you think your cat looks so much like Anne's cat?

    Bonnie in Virginia, USA

  4. hey pia, my kitten's first time too. sort of his debut, even if he is featured on a food blog.

    your kitty is very cute. thought it was a british shorthair when i saw her. i have a burmese one month older than yours.

  5. Your kitty is so cute. Thanks for joining us with WCB. The more kitty links we get the more fun it is!

  6. bonnie, yes anne is a dear friend of mine and we do have the same breed, british shorthair...:)

    burekaboy & sarah and tiggy, thanx! :)


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