
Saturday, February 24, 2007

Hot & cold

Looking out the window now, it's more than difficult to grasp the fact that only a few days ago we experienced up to +42 degrees C on the other side of the world... And a tiresome 24 hours of flying later (neveeeer again my body and mind cries, never again such an awfully long flight!!) we end up here, back home where it has been down to -18 degrees C.

That day on the beach in Camps Bay (a part of Cape Town, on the other side of Table mountain) seems terribly far away... I can't even imagine the sand between my toes now...
Ah well, I can at least enjoy the pictures as often as I like! I wonder what we did before the days of the digital camera?!? Paid a lot for the pictures and couldn't afford any mistakes I suppose...
So now even I have swithced to the new version of Blogger. A quick fix, I wonder how that'll be. Perhaps like basking in the sun on a beach with sand between your toes?

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