
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The Tuesday Philosophy Club

Ah, it isn't Sunday - as in the title of Alexander McCall Smith's little friendly gem of a book about the Edinburgh-based sleuth Isabel Dalhousie. A book, a novelist, I highly recommend for easy reading and yet all his books are full of clever and wise words! - but one can philosophize on a Tuesday (I should have said Monday, but I see now that the clock has passed over midnight here in Sweden) too.

And that's what I'm going to do. About this and that. And about movies that at first glance seem rather mediocre and mainstreem, but when you ponder a bit over them (philosophize!) you realise they actually rise above that mainstream, at least in certain moments, in certain lines.
Such a movie was the one I saw today, "The Shadows of the Sun" aka "The Shadow dancer". Some of the words and thoughts, ideas and moments, even if perhaps not very original, I really treasure. Yes it really struck a chord in me - I wouldn't give it more than a 3+ on a 1-5 scale moviewise, but in moments it was brilliant.
Yes, to find ones own path, that's something I've thought a lot about these past years. At first quite involuntary, then it was just painful, but little by little I came to realise it was perhaps possibly a good thing. Yes, a good thing that I got that painful and involuntary chance to really work on and, oh yes, philosophize over it.
I'm now definately a better person, a rather changed person. Both stronger and weaker, more in touch with myself - and the world around me. Ah, it seems like I'm overflowing with wisdom, maybe I do, at the best of times anyway. Right now the "only" problem is what to actually do with all this found wisdom? I know what I want, but to really be brave and go for it and not let any "musts" hold me back - that's easier philosophized than done!

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