
Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Saved from the jaws of...

... the infamous Bird Butcher was this tiny little thing of a baby bird today. After having had the terrible encounter (s)he sat up there under the roof for a while, its parents twittering to get it to join them. But no way (s)he was going to risk another facedown with the awful Big Red Thing with those big fangs, hungry gape and claws from birdy hell...

In the end I had to put the Big Red Butcher in his dwellings and then there were flutter of tiny wings and the little one could join its family. Big sigh of relief - it could have ended in tears and sorrow once again...

I'm not sure how to proceed now, what kind of warning-signs I ought to put up... I already have a Beware of the cat! I really think that should be enough - or at least the birdy bush telegraph should get the message through; Keep out, Big Red Bird Butcher on the prowl!

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