
Thursday, August 16, 2007

Random Musings

There are certain words that strike a special cord, like serendipity - and yes, it did even before that pretty decent romantic comedy with the same name was even a thought in a screenwriters head- waves and ideas. And then we have musings.

Musings reminds me of the Swedish word "mysig" meaning cosy - which by some probably would be voted the most popular word used by undersigned. At least when approving or rejecting cafés - and a cosy ambiance, person, situation makes for a soft-landing and a fuzzy, warm feeling of simple happiness, being in the here and now.

Since life is far from all that cosy, happy in the now all the time - and I'm certain an all cosy-fuzzy life would make for rather dull, shallow and uninteresting people - it's important indeed to take a rest in those cosy moments when opportunity knocks.

Musings is also close to music, another one of life's pleasant, cosy, restful as well as spiritlifting manifestations.

And of course, to muse being one of my favourite things to do... Here are a couple of my recent musings;

A while back I noticed that someone, somewhere in the large nation to the west had actually browsed the blog for posts regarding s vowel x. The only hit was an entry regarding gender determination of cats, and neutering. Ouch, a bit of ca(t)stration anxiety there, perhaps?

I'm rather amazed, and a-mused, at the fact, that someone having a glance through this blog and then actually harbouring the idea that somewhere there might be an entry or two about carnal pleasures, involving the word s vowel x...

Let's just say, that if - an extremely doubtful if - I'd write something about more or less secret proclivities regarding a three letter word, then it would be written with a much more subtle and hinting approach. And it would be written with a method of here now, gone tomorrow, won't be searchable with s vowel x.

A subtleness which of course someone who's actually searching for those kind of entries wouldn't understand or appreciate. The search must go on.

Another thing that I find completely a-musing at the moment, but in a much more endearing, sweet way, is the recent advertising campaign concerning the Triss-lottery. Large posters with a gigantic carrot and a very cute, happy, blest bunny having spent the win on the most desirable thing in a bunny's world.

I love eating carrots too, but I wouldn't necessarily spend the lottery-winnings on a ginormous one like that. I guess I don't have large enough ears and teeth - or perhaps I just haven't gotten my priorities straight just yet. And so the muse continues...
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