
Tuesday, August 21, 2007

What became of the brothers Courgette?

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Once upon a time there were two brothers, if not brothers by the same plant at least by the same family lines, big brother and little brother Courgette. Perhaps their lives weren't exactly the long-lived ones, since as we all know, courgettes have a tendency to end up on the plate of ferocious vegetarians. And this was alas also the brothers Courgette's destiny.
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They said a heartfelt goodbye to the world and ended up in a nearly Greek pie along with mushrooms, tomatoes and feta cheese... - little brother Courgette made a lovely contribution -
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...and big brother Courgette's life came to an end in a lovely oven bake with root crops and fetacheese. That meal turned out to be a proud part of the slow food movement, since the talented chef of the day thought it would be an intelligent idea to not put rosemary-twigs in the bake but to put a lot of tiny bits of rosemary everywhere instead. Which made for a very labour-intensive dinner.
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For dessert they were soon joined by their friends the family Rhubarb. The whole family lost their lives to the cream. And, another well-known fact in the world of vegetables, in the tummy of a satiated vegetarian noone can hear you scream.

And this is what became of little brother and big brother Courgette. They lived well, if not to an overripe old age, and they gave their lives to keep their fellow vegetables away from the jaws of savage vegetarians, yet for a while...


  1. These always leave me hungry... and wishing I had a garden where I could raise such delectable brothers.


  2. Truly horrifying! And quite delicious, I bet.


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