
Sunday, September 09, 2007

WCB #118 - Vilgot 6 days old

070909 003
This is Vilgot, now six days old and showing every sign of getting to be a stodgy one already weighing 238 grams. Which might sound like a bitsie-witsie weight, but really, it's quite a decent one in the tiny kitty realm of things.

I admit he hasn't really began showing the alert, intelligent, ingenious look yet - but he has other virtues. Like being oh so very darn cute as a dotty blue furball, smelling so unbelievably snuggle nice and yawning in the sweetest way imaginable.

This week's catblogging is hosted by Upsie and Sher, and if you want to know the answer to the burning question we all ponder a lot about - or not - does Nathan Fillion have tuna in his pants? I suggest you head over there right now!


  1. Hey, Pia.

    Vilgot is very cute, and your notes and photos are lovely.


  2. Adorable! I love the photos on your site! I know I'm late, but Happy Belated Bloggiversary!

  3. Thanks so much for those kind words, John!

    Thanks a lot, jelly!

  4. So cuuuute! I'd love to cuddle that furball!!!

  5. Thanks for stopping by, chat gris:)

    Yes, I agree, he is kind of cuddleable, Rosa:)

  6. So sweet, so cute, so huggable!

  7. Oh yes, he is, kitikata-san - and today they've all open their babyblues too:)


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