
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Here They Are...

... this season's witch's boots! I'm so happy that I found them in different nice colours - even though my feet have apparently grown to a size 41 (7) instead of the usual, for years, 39,5-40 (6,5). Or do the Dutch have very small feet...? Well, be as it may, this surely is a case of that size doesn't matter I suppose.
From top to bottom you see olivegreen suede boots with a bit of cute , autumnal trim. I like me shoes and boots, in general and especially this time of the year, with a not too high not too low heel, but these were just too nice to resist...
Then we have my favourites, the red überwitch boots which make me feel like the Wicked Witch of the East for sure. Being the proud ruler of Munchkin country! Although I'm hopefully the more kind kind of witch with very nice footwear. These boots give me a feeling of Moulin Rouge teamed up with hazard players in the Wild West. They make me and my feet really happy.
And then we have another pair of distinctive witch's boots, purple ones with a cute heel. I was looking for blue shoes, but didn't find any which pleased me, so I ended up with these pretty ones instead. Though as the Swedish saying goes, purple/lilac is the colour of The Last Try to get a squeeze before you're a case of feet first. So perhaps I've kind of - subconsciously of course - tried to stay away from that particular colour in garments. Since once you've stepped on the purple-train there's no turning back, then it's just downward to the end station Feet First. Or not. It can just be a pretty, misunderstood colour really. I suppose. Or is it an ominous sign...?


  1. You mention in jest about the Dutch having smaller sizes but I got stuck in a dress in a Dutch shop one time. It was my size but I ended up having to buy it because I couldn't get it off and was too embarrassed to tell them! :)

  2. *LOL* Oh my, how funny, and how embarrassing "I like this dress so much I want to keep it on"...:)

    So perhaps it might be accurate then, that their sizes in fact are smaller than a bit further north - fingers crossed for a standardized size system soon!


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