
Saturday, November 03, 2007

WCB #126 - Meet William Wallace

071030 058

This is William. William Wallace. The real deal, the brave heart and not anything like that silly Mel Gibson impersonation - which is one of a few perfect examples it sure doesn't have to be a good movie to win an Oscar.... But this William, he is a redhead, he is a fierce freedom fighter, he is independent - and it was only for a moment or two he allowed himself to be captured in a silly glass vase - and I'm sure that if he could meow in human words he wouldn't speak British shorthair but the Scottish lingua.

071030 065

And of course, beside all these forceful qualities he is a heartbreaker, a charmer summa cum laude with an attitude and he'll wrap anyone with half a brain, half a heart around his tiny, red paw.

This weekend's catblogging is graciously hosted by Chey, see you there!


  1. Anonymous12:10 am

    William you cutie! I just want to lick at your little head! Ah I miss the kits.

  2. Anonymous1:45 am

    Ohhhh! So adorable. ;-)


  3. Anonymous1:55 am

    What an adorable kitty! How did he get into the glass? Teehee :D

  4. What a little ginger sweetie. Nice photos Pia.

  5. William, I just can't take it! You are just too cute! I like how you look cuz you are gonna look like me when you grow up!

  6. Oh look at those beautiful eyes! And that oh so rubbable tummy!

  7. Sooooooo cuuute! Those pictures are killing me ;-P! Wondeful!



  8. Thanks, cheysuli, he gets his fair share of licking here I think:)

    Thanks, Paz, Katie, Poppy Q, Kitikata-san, Zazzy and Rosa, for all you lovely comments on this little fellow!


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Other than that, truly lovely to hear from you ~