
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Way of the World

When I was in primary school, museum-visits were quite an extensive part of education. And far from seldom we also had to work on group projects at the museums. Even back then I was far from a fan of group-projects, since there were (and are) most always some slackers who couldn't care less, annoying free riders who wanted to benefit from the work made by us who actually did care. A lot.

Hence I very much then, and very much now, prefer to work, and depend, on my own - or when required with a few selected, trusted friends/co-workers - with full responsibility both of success as well as possible failure. One might say I like to be both in charge and have full control - well, at least when it comes to school- and work related matters and tasks.

With life in general I'm of course aware that we can't, far from, control everything and everyone. What we can control is how we react in different situations, how we handle things and how we response to others' actions. Something I'd very much like to have really grasped when I needed it some years ago, but I suppose it wasn't my time for enlightenment in that particular area of life then...

Although now, when I've actually learnt a lesson or two, or much more, and want to practise these knowledges acquired through hardship, it seems pretty darn hard to get on with life. To get back into business, to get a job with an actual and decent paycheck at the end of the month. I could go on and write a thesis about this situation, but instead I'll just say that one has to muster every possible grain of a positive thought - mindfullness in the here and now! - to pocket one's pride for ever thanks-but-no-thanks one gets for the, by now, a more than countless amount of different kinds of job applications...

I'm no high school drop-out, I have a great education, a whole lot of neat experiences, lots of great skills and talents, both professional as well as social, wrapped up in a snazzy CV. I would make such a fantastic resource for most any company. And still... Apart from being weird beyond belief, it is just so completely frustrating not to mention - Such. A. Complete. And. Utter. Waste of assets. Both in my world as well as on a larger scale.

Ah, and this post that was to be about a museum visit, strange how the mind wanders and demands a whole other topic outcome from the subordinated keypad workers...

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