
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Stockholm in December

071211 007

It might seem like it's evening in these pictures, but it's actually just after three o'clock in the afternoon. I don't much mind if the evenings come early this time of year, but I so wish the sun could show itself *slightly* more often during the "light" hours of day - and yes, I'm aware of the fact that I sound like a nagging, tired, broken record when it comes to the lack of sun matter...

Today has been quite the usual gloomy, dark, depressing day and then add a really keen and nasty wind here in the fair city of the north. However when the night fell, it really was beautiful, and the sky had the most amazing colours...

071211 014

071211 018

And if you detect any kind of fuzziness in these pictures it's of course purely artsy intentional and has nothing whatsoever to do with undersigned being impatient/inexpert/hungry/freezing her fingers off...


  1. It's the same over here. In some ways I love it. But I'd be able to enjoy it far more if I had just a little more energy...

  2. Have a cup of tea to thaw those fingers, it's going to be a long winter. I know all about that artsy fuzziness...

  3. One way to cope with the darker times of the year must definitely be to indulge in, not only fruit and veggies, but in things that make you happy, that make the days seem a little brighter in other ways...

    And tea is never ever wrong!


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