
Sunday, May 04, 2008

Truffles, Believe It Or Not

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Okey, this is my first try ever in the world of truffle-making and I'm new to this particular kind of piping... So shapewise, mum's the word. Um, yeah, I know they turned out a bit of, well... since there really is no other way to fully describe this look - miniature turd-like.

If you're not too finicky about the look and like whisky blended with good quality chocolate, they actually do taste rather melt-in-your-mouth-lovely. And look, there's even a miniature turd in thaw version, if that's more down your alley -

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  1. Goodness, these made me giggle! :-D

  2. Ha, ha, and I had this amazing idea (after I made them) that they would be perfect little things to serve dogowners at a doggiecafé...;)


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