
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Whip-Ma-Whop-Ma Gate Revisited

A bunch of road workers were having lunch right on top of this one of my favourite street signs, one fled leaving only his food and drink. His fellow workers continued eating and chatting, hence giving me one of my favourite holiday photos -


Whip-Ma-Whop-Ma-Gate is the shortest street with the longest name in the wonderful city of York. There are different interpretations to its name, some say it's the place where miscreants were whipped, while others suggest its original medieval name was Whit-Nour-What-Nour-Gate meaning something like "Call that a street - you must be joking!". Ah, aren't words, languages, linguistics grand!


  1. Hi Pia,
    I never noticed that street when I was in York (years ago). Classic!!

    Gosh, it has been a horrible weekend with the terrible tragedy of Violettes death. Both Monty Q and Millies moms are good friends, and I know they will be heartbroken.

    What a strange world it is, to have to lose such a beautiful and much loved child.

    Your pink cake is beautiful, maybe that is just what I need.

  2. Thanks, Poppy Q.

    Oh I saw that about little Violette, I didn't know her or her family but such a sad sad thing affects just the same of course. The way of the world, bad things happen to good beings alas...

  3. Wonderful picture! Made me smile lots.

  4. Thanks, Wendy, I do treasure it:)

  5. Anonymous2:17 am

    Love this shot, too! And the name of the street. ;-)


  6. Thanks, Paz! Thinking about that name always brings a smile to my face:)


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