
Monday, September 15, 2008

Sunshine Monday (I Wish)


Neither the sun nor this breakfast is, alas, the look of my morning today. It is however a very nice example of how quite a perfect breakfast - according to me - might look. Innocent smoothie (my favourite mangoes & passion fruit one, which unfortunately hasn't showed up in this packaging in my local supermarket, yet, *sniffle*), pineapple, sandwich with cheese and (what's not visible in picture) a bag of carrots. I felt happy and content for hours and hours after that sunny breakfast!

Something sunny I am able to enjoy today though, is this delicate, beautiful marzipan looking rose in at least its second bloom this season. Despite my lack of green fingers the roses seem to sort of thrive in my flower beds, and many are still in budding bloom, mid September. One of life's little sunny pleasantries, notwithstanding days and night sadly already getting colder and colder on these Scandinavian latitudes.



  1. What a sunny tasty breakfast Miss Pia and a beautiful rose. You sure know how to start the day and week off.

    Have a lovely week, enjoy every ray of sunshine.

  2. Looks like a perfect breakfast to me too. Love that it's substantial. Do not understand how people can have just a biscuit or an apple for breakfast. I'd be famished within the hour!

  3. Thanks, Poppy Q, I wish there was real sun outdoors too, maybe later in the week...

    To be honest, Wendy, I have my periods of not being too hungry in the mornings either. Or well, perhaps not hungry 7ish in the morning is a better word for it, not being a morning person. I always love a big cup of tea though:) It's lovely when you can have loads of fresh fruit and greens for breakfast!


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