
Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Windchime Tuesday

One of my favourite sounds - and details - are wind chimes that toll in summer breeze. In fact I like the sound that emanate from wind chimes (in different materials and sizes) so much I let some of them hang at my veranda all year round. Even when the autumn and winter heavy weathers hit, the sound of the wind chirping and chiming feels both comforting, calming and uplifting, all at once. One ping moment which makes life feel a dash bit lighter.


  1. Pia, love windchimes they hang under trees in secret places in my garden. Especially the bamboo ones have a beautiful sound.

  2. Oh if I had a proper tree suitable for windchimes I would love to have them hanging there too - even if the chime that's heard from my veranda is lovely enough:)

  3. Anonymous1:46 am

    I love wind chimes, too.


  4. Ah yes, they're so very lovely in their simplicity, Paz.


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