
Monday, November 10, 2008

Meet Mr Oink


This is the sight that met me when I came home the other day, one very pink new lodger with one ecstatically happy hairy loaf. As much as I adore guys who look good in pink, I'm not always equally smitten by the things they say. And this is one annoying Mr Pink Oink. Albeit part of adorable scenes when one opens bedroom door and find one loafie, one black panther, one pink oinky snuggled together in one blue pet bed other side of bedroom threshold. I just wish he wasn't such a loudmouth.


I know loaf doggie does his very best to shut him up - as with poor hedgehog - lady in pet shop had apparently *promised* it would oink for at least 1,5 months though. Estimated time of peace and quiet once again would then be 2009. I'm now uttering words I thought I'd never ever say - good boy, silence pig, Malte.


  1. Hello Pia !

    It's very nice and pretty...

    Have a good day !

  2. Looks like he loves is 'new' friend...

  3. better very late than never, thank you for stopping by, webradio and tr3nta.


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