
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ruby Tuesday - A New Year with Red Books & Sweet Treats


For this last Ruby Tuesday of 2008 - gosh how time flies... - I will give you three red books, which all in their very own way is a great way to start the new literary year with. And not only because they look lovely in red on the outside, they do have a content that's more than well worth a read. They are all thought provoking and share three important ingredients in a book as well as in life - love, laughter and tears.

Hjärtat får inga rynkor (The heart doesn't get wrinkles) by Mark Levengood is only available in Swedish at this time, but you can read a bit more about the author here. As usual a book by Levengood is a sweet, humourfilled, witty observation on life and living.

A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers by Xiaolu Guo is available both in English and Swedish

Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress by Dai Sijie is available in English

Chose one or chose them all and your new book year will get a good beginning! When you've snuggled up in bed or sofa with a ruby book of choice for your mind I think it's only right that you treat your body to something ruby sweet too with that cup of tea I'm sure you've already poured yourself. Might I suggest some scrumptious gingerbread squares with a generous amount of lingonberries on top ~

~ With Hopes of a Happy, Kind and Prosperous New 2009 ~


  1. Oh, sounds like a fine idea!

    Never had gingerbread squares or lingonberries - but it sure does look yummy!

  2. Hello, Pia K,
    Ginger bread and tyttebaer, new combination to me, but I'll try. Have had to much sweet cookies lately.
    I also fell for the title "The heart doesn't get wrinkles. being next to sixty I am only too familiar with wrinkles. I'd say amen about the heart not getting any..
    The dictionary I'd give to my daughter, dreaming about visiting China, and also haven't yet found the love of her life.
    Balzac and the little Chinese seamstress sounds like a book we'd all could read for pleasure.
    From Felisol

  3. I don't believe I've EVER had a lingonberry... what do they taste like? (don'tcha love that question?) LOL!

  4. Anonymous3:01 am

    Oh what yummy looking treats those are!!

  5. I adore gingerbread; a debt I owe to your neck of the woods. What deliciousness you have pictured here. I'll bet the berries are wonderful.

    What a great idea to use book covers as a ruby concept. A few summers ago, I saw a bookstore window display with many, many green books. Lush greens everywhere.

    Happy RT!

  6. Anonymous3:23 am

    Those gingerbread squares topped off with lingon-berries look real yummy :)

  7. The pastries look almost too good to eat, arranged so nicely with the ruby berries. And that artistic sifting of powdered sugar over the treats and plate.

    A book that is from the era of the Cultural Revolution and the Gang of Four has to have some interest. I remember the secrecy of China when I was younger and often wondered what was Cultural in that revolution... I need to read more!

  8. I would like to read, Balzac and the little Chinese seamstress. The dix for Lovers sounds rather nice, but the Swedish one well, I would have to learn swedish...and I don't think so. I do love to read swedish authors and also like a lot Swedish films. Also,I wouldn't mind a piece of that scrumptious gingerbread with the lingonberries.

  9. Anonymous2:57 pm

    I'm now going to make gingerbread right after I finish work today. Thankfully, I remembered to pack molassass.

    I've never had a lingonberry either but they look like cranberries so I'll assume that's the taste until I find out differently. We have an abundance of cranberries where I am from but none whatsoever what I am at...sigh...

  10. 'the heart doesn't get wrinkles' - what a lovely title

    and beautiful treats

    Happy New Year

  11. And yummy they are, People with Cameras:)

    Felisol, oh soft gingerbread with lingonberries is one classic recipe in Sweden, silly me thought it was more wellknown that it seems to be. On the other hand, that makes it kind of exotic then...:) I'm sure you and your daughter would enjoy those books!

    Melli, yes I do love such a question - not...;) How can I describe them, not very sweet, a bit tangy, but not as tangy as cranberries though they look simialr. Ready to be picked at the same time as blueberries here in Sweden, in early autumn. Very popular and classic berry in Sweden. Not a favourite of mine, exception being in such a cake. More info here

  12. Your gingerbread creation looks stunning ... and yummy! Happy New Year!

  13. Ellen B, thanks for coming by!

    Pagan Sphinx, that way of using colours and shades in window displays and such is really lovely. I'm glad to hear of your fondness of our Swedish gingerbread and for taking the time to leave a kind comment:)

    napaboaniya - nice to know the treat seem to be much appreciated amongst RT participants:)

  14. I'd love to curl up on the couch on a cold afternoon with a blanket, the Chinese-English Dictionary, and a big giant gingerbread square.

  15. Ralph, thanks for stopping by and, as always, leaving a well composed and sweet comment!

    Titania, thanks for popping by! I'm sure you would enjoy the books and I'd love to hear what Swedish authors and films you like, perhaps I can give you some new suggestions there:)

    Heather, that's nice, baking is comforting and a good way of relaxing after work I think. I've never heard of molassass in gingerbread before, here we make it with spices (cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, clove, nutmeg)only. Lingonberries look similar to cranberries, but they're not as sour though still tangy. Staple goods at any IKEA store abroad:) Happy baking!

  16. I do agree wholeheartedly, Dianne, about that being a lovely title, it well sums up his writing actually. His not into English translated writings, which I'm not to sure would survive, sadly, such a translation well. Thanks for coming by and the same to you:)

    Thanks, Cherie, and the same to you!

    That's nice to hear, Robin:)

  17. Thanks for the tips on the books. I'll look out for Mark Levengood, in case his is translated to English. I read a lot of Swedish and Norwegian authors. The dessert looks yummy. Great photos.

  18. Perfect! I'd LOVE to sit down with one of your books and one of your sweet treats. ;-) The lingonberries sure look yummy.

  19. What a beautiful dessert! At first I thought it was pomegranates :)

    Happy New Year!

  20. Anonymous8:00 pm

    I love the cover of the third book! Red shoes are my fave!

    Your gingerbread squares are tempting! Wow!

  21. Great post! What a lovely idea!

  22. Thanks for stopping by, Jan, and leaving a kind comment.

    Your EG Tour Guide, that's nice to hear, thanx:)

    Thanks, Olga, and the same to you!

    KitchenMaus - glad you enjoyed the red treats:)

    Thanks, Laura, much appreciated comment!

  23. Oh Pia K..You are such a sweetheart and this long winder can only say thank you for this post.
    This line, "The heart doesn't get wrinkles"
    How GREAT can that be?
    It reminds me of the verse in the Bible, "For:man looketh on the outside appearance but God looketh on the heart." [1 Samuel 16:7].
    You know, I AM wrinkled on the outside but I don't fell one wrinke on my heart...Hey I feel young on the inside, my friend...Love Terry

  24. Oh yes, it's such a lovely line and title, and it captures Mark Levengood's writing so well, feelgood with an edge.

    Thanks for your visit and sweet comment, Terry!


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