
Sunday, January 25, 2009

Spring Signs

At last for some, a plethora of tulips available everywhere in Sweden now, one small sign of spring to come...


  1. Lovely photo and composition. I'd like those tulips!

  2. Thanks, Jan! I thought the composition outside that lovely flowershop that gloomy, rainy day was such a sweet looking perk me upper, I wouldn't mind that white "vase" either, not at all...

  3. This picture is after my heart. Love the chair, the yellow tulips in the woven basket mimic the whrought iron of the chair, It is a beautiful picture so very appealing.

  4. Anonymous5:42 pm

    We're both waiting for spring! Lovely tulips!

  5. Thanks, Titania! I love it when flower shops, or other shops or anyone really, make such perfect little arrangements to just snap a picture of.

    Thanks for a kind comment, ViennaDaily!

  6. Yup, though I guess they're not the natural grow in your garden kind, yet...

  7. Dear Pia K,
    In Southern Ontario, daffodils are the first flowers to come and then come the tulips. We have so many of them.
    Where I used to work out in the country, I would always wait for the Jack-in-the Pulpits to arrive, just about the same time as the tulips.
    Do you think that the lovely castles that you photograph have any Jack-in-the Pulpits in their woods?
    It has been three years since I have seen one and I have desire in my soul to see one again.
    Maybe you can find one.
    When we were little kids, the four of us Golden children would search the Little and Big Woods for a glimpse of them, but when we did come upon a Jack-in-the-Pulpit, we would just admire them.
    We would NEVER pick them....Love Terry

  8. I had never heard of Jack-in-the-Pulpits until now, Terry, I looked them up and they look very pretty. Somehow I doubt they grow wild in our forrests here, but the leaves look similar to lilies of the valley. Those I have a plethora of in the woods around here though, come spring, come photos in blog:)


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