
Sunday, January 18, 2009

When Globalization Came to Fjuckby


Those less than happy days, those days of blue - and we all have those, right? - , one can at least be grateful for not having the mailing address Fjuckby.

Yes, the village name is a rather... mildly (more than, if you're in that mood) ... amusing name in Swedish too, but apparently this village in Sweden have been made into an international joke since many English-speaking visitors have travelled all the way to Fjuckby just to ridicule the village and its inhabitants.

The villagers blame globalization and the community is suffering from an epidemic of embarrassment hence has applied at the surveyor's office for a name change. In vain. Who said Swedes have a lack of proportion. And no sense of humour.

More in English, på svenska


  1. Very amusing Pia! I do feel sorry for the people of that village.

  2. Fun post, Pia. My husband is 1/2 Swedish, (here we're all 1/2 or 1/4 something). He got a kick out of this.

  3. Anonymous9:27 pm

    Fjunny.... Anyone who loves cats is good in my books.....

  4. I'm not laughing, honest... ;-)

  5. Oh, but I think it was about 15 of 50 who did want to change the name, Holler, so the rest of them seem happy to be "fjuckers"...;)

    Glad you liked it, Jan, and your ½ Swede husband too:)

    Thanks for stopping by, Eveningson, well, even if I as a principle agree with you on the cat lovers-bit I've kind of spent too much time in the world of cat-showing/breeding to find all cat lovers to be good people. On the other hand, I guess they're not REALLY cat lovers then:)

    Ah, of course you're not, AFoS, just munching chocolate I guess...;)

  6. Glad you had a bit of fun swinging by here, John:)


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