
Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Eating Out - Skye's Oldest Bakery, Scotland


After having had a few different but still same same vegetarian version of full English-Scottish breakfast - which granted keeps one feeling very non-peckish for the most of the day - it was really lovely to just skip that for some fresh, still warm from the oven rolls with cheese, eggs and salad and an early morning drive around the isle.


While I remained kind of semi-asleep in the car M reported on the inside of Skye's Oldest Bakery - on the left hand when you enter Dunvegan, Isle of Skye, from the east - being of slight Fawlty Towers resemblance. Be as that may, they certainly made some pretty decent sandwiches. In the cutest sort of house. Plus the breakfast view that followed was of the more memorable and sheepish kind. Now that's an unpretentious meal after my own heart ~




  1. Skye an appropriate name for this sky hugging area. Love all things natural. The food looks yummy too.

  2. I agree, Titania, the name alone makes this a magical place. So lovely, peaceful and so far away...:/

  3. Been staying in Dunvegan this week and visitd the bakery today (last day) had a warm poppy seed loaf and some amazing blueberry muffins, really fantastic, cheap to!

  4. Oh, you have no idea how envious you made me with that comment, Birks! Sounds... mouthwatering lovely...sigh.


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