
Wednesday, April 08, 2009

The Pansy Inspector


This post is all about flowers, and cats, so if you thought the perhaps ambiguous title implied something else you have so come to the wrong place. Nope, pansies as in flowers and cats as in keen garden and plant inspectors, that's what this post is all about.

I like the fact that my cats seem to be very keen on gardening, and flowers, albeit more of the overturning than helping kind most of the times, but still keen and with a genuine interest.

I also like to welcome spring in my window boxes with happy sunny face pansies. Preferably violet and apricot ones, but this year I went crazy and got (the only ones which were left at the store) purple and yellow.


Before I plant them - any day now when this darn annoying cold that came swooshing seemingly from nowhere has petered out. And as usual I fight it with the best cold remedy - I let the pansy inspector have her saying.

She thoroughly inspected the purple ones, then the yellow. And then the purple ones again. The yellow were fine, but the purple ones definitely smelled the bestest. The pansies have now been all high five claws paws up approved and are ready for planting.

Cats are obviously good for all sorts of highly important things in life. Like if someone could ever la-di-da doubt that, ha.



  1. a couple of days ago pia k, bernie happened to be looking at my desk top and he said, "who is this?"
    "pomp&serendipity", and i told him that it is pia k...and he remembered.
    yours is the only blog other than my own that i have as a short cut on my desktop.
    trust me, i haven't forgotten you.
    i now find that i have more time on my hands to check you out again.

    this post has not disappointed me.
    i was kind of down in the dumps today, and when i saw what you had here it has made my day.
    that cutie of a kitty!
    you know pansies are my favourite flowers.
    i especially like the wee little ones.
    bernie is sitting beside me here, admiring your terry

  2. Anonymous7:28 am

    The yellow and purple look amazing together. The yellow pansies really set off the little yellow centers in the purple flowers. A very joyous color combo. The
    furry, four pawed gardener is lovely also.

  3. Thanks, Terry, for a sweet comment, I'm glad you enjoy pansies and found the post to have a pick-me-up effect!

    Thanks, Kari, I do agree that the colours compliment eachother in a lovely way. They are now planted in the boxes and I hope they will have grow well in a couple of weeks or so depending on the weather.


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