
Monday, April 27, 2009

sneezy wet wipes

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One poor nose of undersigned picked this Sneezy up while on the travel. After the first very sting encounter it has been quite wonderful for poor snotty, dry nose.

The horrible cold is persistently nasty and has now been a faithful companion for almost four weeks. I do think I am entitled to a bit of grump regarding that.

I have some of these refreshing, softening wet wipes with rosemary, menthol and eucalyptus left, but when the package is empty nose is left to own devices. Haven't seen these in any shops back home, so what will nose do next time nasty cold strikes?


  1. Anonymous2:40 am

    These wet wipes for the nose look good. I've never seen them before. I hope you feel better real soon.


  2. Thanks, Paz, I try my best, I do...

  3. Anonymous8:41 am

    i love sneezys, a friend who traveled abroad gave me some and they are nowhere to be found in the united states... these are worth a try... they come in "magic menthol" scent so it might be like sneezys but i havent bought them yet..



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