
Thursday, December 17, 2009

december 17th - filofax


I love the notion and promise of new beginnings, adventures and challenges to come (planned or otherwise) held by a brand new calender for a brand new year. I used to have a large Filofax as a faithful friend for many, many years - before most people in Sweden had heard about them, that's how hip I am; I had a Filofax before most every Swede. I'm in general so not a fan of this era of technical gadgets, but at least I was true Swedish Filofax pioneer -. I loved the bookish look of it and the fact that the diary was of the one-day-per-page style. Lots of scribbles could be done. It was stylish, it was intellectual, it was good.

Time changed and I had no real use for a large calender. I've made do with a simple, company gift one for years. Thus old Filofax calender have been in hibernation.

For various reasons this had to change when 2009 comes to an end. Filofax is calling once again. But I didn't want to carry my old large one around anymore (a camera is so much more fun) and I didn't want a leatherbound calender, so I had to look for a new one. Which I have to admit was quite joyous and a choice rather easy to make.


I would have liked a mini sized calender, but the calender inset was ridiculously small, so I settled for the pocket version. In graphic model. In, what can only be described as, gorgeous red. If it's possible to be smitten by a calender I truly am. I wish the inset for the pocket version was a day-per-page, but alas I didn't found one when I bought my newfound red friend. That will be my must-have for 2011 instead.

Today I had my first meeting with new, red companion in handbag. It never made an appearance in plain sight, but it apparently had a very positive influence on meeting just the same. It rooted for me from the bottom of the bag.

Outcome from a very friendly meeting was that no I didn't get the internship as project manager for quite an exciting project, but they did enjoy meeting me so much they thought it would be nice to offer me another internship. Of a rather less than exciting nature though. But not without merits. And one thing can obviously lead to another.

On many levels I don't think I can afford to say no to this offer. Not wholeheartedly embracing it, but if I would to make more than the sketchy mental list I now possess in head only I think the outcome would be in favour of the pros rather than the cons. Just touch wood this public announcement of a probable decision kind will not come back and haunt me some 3-6 months from now...

That said, thank you for an initial positive influence, my friend in red, and here's to many more of those to come!



  1. Dear Pia
    Your new red filofax is lovely. I am still drawn to the fresh new pages of a filofax and all the organisation of information, though having really no use for one these days. I loved my zip around filofax that I used to use in my professional days!
    Your new role sounds very positive and I am sure you will enjoy it and make a success of it too.
    Happy days to you,
    Denise x

  2. Love the filofax, love the red, and I'm excited about the offer! I hope it will at least lead to something better.

    Lots of love from my corner of the world,


  3. I also have a lovely red (leather though) Filofax that I don't really use anymore but can't part with. This year I had a very small calender - just for reference of dates - but I didn't really use that much either so maybe I should go all 'calender-free' in 2010?!

  4. How exciting Miss P, a new job and a new filofax.

    I have a simple diary, and buy the same type every year. I need one to write down all of my shifts and call in.

  5. Red is always a winner. This Filofax is very stylish, and congratulations on your new opportunity.

  6. i know that attraction of new blank pages, denise, i hope my new filofax (once broken in since it's tad 'unstretchy' for my personal preference still) will be filled of wonderful adventures to come... thanks for your kind words, as usual:)

    thank you kindly, heidikins!

    'calender-free' sounds rather liberating, lisbeth, still i do enjoy having things to look forward to, people to see and so forth (dentist appointments and such not so much) and scribble them down.

    i've had a simple one for some years now, julie, it has worked quite well, but somehow it's quite refreshing to get a brand new red calender for a brand new year, decade even.

    thanks, p.k, yup red it is:)


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