
Friday, December 04, 2009

december 4th - frosty morning


I do love a good, frosty winter morning! With a pale winter sun it gets even better.

The impawtant task of watering of garden this time of year I leave to one loaf dog extraordinaire. As always he does a swell job.



  1. Frosty photos are just what we are looking for for this month's No Croutons Required, if you want to submit one. Maybe not one of a peeing loaf dog, but you get the drift. Festive photos and you always give us such gorgeous photos to enjoy.

  2. thank you kindly, jacqueline! actually i have earmarked that blogpost with this month's no croutons required, i'm hoping to submit something one of these days. and i'll make a note that i shouldn't submit a photo with one peeing dog...;)

    purest green, yes indeed, he really is:)


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