
Tuesday, January 05, 2010

baby it's cold outside


-20 degrees Celsius to be exact. The average weather complaining Swede - it's too cold, too hot, too rainy, grump, grump and gnarl - probably doesn't agree, but I think it's beautiful, wintry and very Scandinavian. The usually very distinct differences between the four seasons on these latitudes is one of the things I appreciate so very much about living where I do.


It's fine being outdoors dressed appropriately - and layering with cosy winter cardigans, shawls and socks is truly one of winter perks - and indoors, well even if the heat pump doesn't fully approve of these temperatures and I'm so not looking forward to the next few electrical bills, it is kind of cosy too. Especially if you're this furry trio of two daughters and one mum...



  1. Hello Pia
    I love that your cats have a colour co-ordinated blanket to sleep on! :-)
    We have lots of snow here today and our world looks a lot more like Scandinavia than usual! We're about to put on our extreme weather gear and go for a walk to take some pretty photos. So grateful that I'm not expected to be anywhere else today....
    Keep warm and cosy with those kitties!
    Denise x

  2. Ohhhh wrap up warm, that sounds rather chilly.

  3. cold certainly, but those feline delights seem to know how o handle it! Lovely! Helen

  4. Happy New Year to you Pia! Honestly, you continue to have the most BEAUTIFUL photography! You ought to consider it professionally. : )

  5. This is a winter wonderland. The cats look snug all curled up together.
    The rosehip photo is gorgeous.

  6. ha, ha, well that coordinated blanket was a pure coincidence, denise, because i'm so not a fan of animal prints on anything but animals. but it serves its purpose think the cats and so it's still in da house:)

    the lowest temperature in sweden that day was -38,5 C, not far from here it was measured to -32,5 C, poppy q. suddenly -20 isn't that bad...

    thanks, helen!

    thanks, john, and the same to you! and such a sweet comment, thank you! gosh wouldn't that be a lovely thing indeed...:)

    thanks so much, titania!


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