
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

bright star

From its first stitch, its first shivering tone ' Bright Star ' I loved.

Based on the true love story between English poet John Keats and his neighbour 18 year old Fanny Brawne in Hampstead it was breathtakingly and heartbreakingly wonderful. Every detail exquisite and carefully thought through, the characters and performances, the thoughts, the feelings, the passion, the costumes (in awe), the settings, the sweetness and sorrow and the dash of wittiness, the unfortunate lost art of letter writing and the gift of conveying soulfelt emotions. Every scene could be a painting, a postcard.

Written and directed by Jane Campion it is a gem of a movie, austere yet so immensly passionate in a somewhat subdued way. Such different times those were.

Sadly not often I feel so strongly - in a positive way - about a movie these days. This one spoke to me on so many levels. Most probably not a movie for everyone, not the soulless or heartless or those looking for instant gratification and action. For everyone else, a must see.

If you like to read 'Bright star' the poem that gave the movie its name, read here


  1. I am so glad that you like Bright Star miss P. I thought it was just beautiful and graceful, both in story and visuals. Somehow it also seems the perfect movie to see when it is chilly and grey outside, as the light in it is so spring like.

    Julie Q

  2. I have not seen "Bright Star". I loved and enjoyed "The Piano" by Jane Campion. You have used lovely words to describe the movie and now I would like to see it.

  3. Interesting to hear, Pia. Do you know if the film is based on a book?

  4. Anonymous12:50 am

    Very cool. When I have some more time, I'll return to read the poem and read more about this movie. I like Jane Campion's work.


  5. ah, such a fantastic, beautiful movie it was, julie...

    i do hope you have seen it now, titania (me being really late to reply on all your fine comments...)!

    no it isn't, afos, i know that ms campion used to have a really great website up describing the making of the movie and showing wonderful bits from that. sadly i think that website was removed sometime after the movie was released. but i hope you've seen the movie by now of course:)

    hope you've watched the movie too, paz!


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