
Friday, April 23, 2010

world book day


I would have liked to celebrate this distinguished day of World Book Day in a more festive way (like in having afternoon tea somewhere special), but I'm still recovering from a nasty cold that striked last weekend and has yet to say goodbye so alas it's very likely I will spend the day in bed reading. Which I suppose is THE way to spend the day really.

I am however very pleased that my latest book package arrived just in time for World Book Day, huzzah! On top when I opened the parcel (the feverish anticipation then might have been cold induced but I somehow doubt it, as books most always give me fever) there was this gorgeous pink book of baked delights (I'm drooling over it and love most photos if not the printing quality which does leave a bit to be desired) with the name "Eat Me! The Stupendeous, Self-Raising World of Cupcakes & Bakes According to Cookie Girl".

Needless to say, I adore the title. And the recipes sounds overall rather fun. I might even get out of bed and bake something from said book (by Xanthe Milton) to celebrate today.


The other fine (I hope) books in parcel were -

* Härskarteknik (Master suppression techniques) by Elaine Bergqvist - I do know *a bit too much* about this from a previous work place from hell in particular. The books will hopefully be an interesting read and learning experience.

* Mistress of the Art of Death by Ariana Franklin - so many recommendations for this one, I do hope it won't be as disappoiting as 'The Historian'...

* 80 romaner för dig som har bråttom (80 novels for you in a hurry) by Henrik Lange - 80 famous books comprised in 3 comic strips each. Very entertaining.

* The World According to Bertie by Alexander McCall Smith - fourth book in the 44 Scotland Street series. Of course it will be a lovely read. And I hope there will be positive changes in the world of wee crushed strawberry dungaree wearing Bertie.

* Jag är faktiskt väldigt mjuk på magen (I am actually very soft on tummy) by Lisa Tofft - Swedish jewellery designer, silversmith, painter who makes quirky animals (in silver and on paper) and witty oneliners about life and living. Über-cute, easy to relate to and moodlifting this book makes a great gift (only in Swedish) for self or others. The name of the book comes from the mouth of a hedgehog.

* Frangipani by Célestine Hitiura Vaite - hadn't heard about this book, it just popped up as a suggestion when I ordered another one. It sounded like an entertaining read about the Tahitian matriarchy. Cute cover.

I hope you'll treat yourself to the magic that is a brand new reading experience on World Book Day, possibly combined with a sweet treat wearing pink.

Happy reading!


  1. Gasp! I had no idea! I shall celebrate by reading curled up in bed as well. (It's rainy and cold and miserable sense in getting out of bed, really.)


  2. Dear Pia
    I hope you are soon feeling better, but at least you have a selection of lovely books to entertain you during your cold.
    Thank you SO MUCH for the cards and chocolate from your giveaway! I'm keeping the chocolate as a weekend treat. The cards are great and though I'd love to share them with friends and family, I think they will be book marks for me instead - then I can continue to enjoy your photos ;-)
    Thank you again - such a lovely surprise!
    Have a good weekend!
    Denise x

  3. Anonymous11:04 pm

    I hope you're feeling much better now. Happy reading!


  4. i hope you had a grand reading day, heidikins! and pleased to hear you learned something new with this post;)

    thanks, denise! i'm so glad you enjoyed the little treat (and do let me know what you thought of the liquorice choc!) and pleased that you get the urge to keep them as bookmarks and inspiration (because that's what they are intended to be:)

    thanks, paz.


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