
Thursday, June 17, 2010

twelve year old of the day


My special sweetie, cream of my heart, Eulalia has just turned 12. Happy birthday li'l darling and oh so many more to come ~

Care to read and see more photos about and of this special character dressed in soft cuddly cream fur, then check older posts here - here - here - here - here - here



  1. Vad märkligt, två av tre bloggar jag läser och som uppdaterat sen sist jag kollade handlar om katter. Vad fin hon är!

    Vill du se den andra som var alldeles ljuvlig så kolla in As Good as it gets.

  2. Happy Birthday gorgeous, look at your sweet face, you look like a youngster. I hope you get lots of treats and smooches for your birthday.

    Julie and Poppy Q

  3. tack, pärlbesatt! ja hon är en ljuvlig, sockersöt liten personlighet.

    thank you, julie and poppy, lots of smooches definitely!


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