
Monday, August 09, 2010

granny square summer garland


I may have lots of ideas and creative whims swirling around in my head, but there are also a whole lot of half finished projects leisurely floating in head as well as lying around in house. I do wish I was more of a doer, a finisher than a thinker at times. So when I actually do finish projects and make something happen with ideas I am most pleased and satisfied with myself (and don't we all heart that feeling?).


So here I give you one of those actually finished - from a lot of crocheted squares, the granny square garland of summer 2010.


I begun crocheting them in April-ish, assembled the garland in late June in what turned out to be a non-satisfying way so I re-did it in time for Little Loaf's birthday do the other week. So not too bad from thought to finish, in my book of projects.

granny square garland

I now love the fresh, fun and simple look. I'm thinking I should crochet some more squares because they way I've hanged them under veranda roof calls for more squares really. But perhaps that will be a project for next spring-summer instead. As new thoughts, old ideas and half-finished projects also screams (very loudly) for attention...


  1. That's a VERY creative and fun idea--and creative and fun photography, too.

    Alas, I cannot crochet, though always wanted to learn. I can knit, though, but seldom do it anymore.

  2. Your garlands are sweet Miss P, and I meant to tell you I love your birkenstocks soooo cute. They are expensive here - about $120 US, but I have found a german seller on Ebay that I might buy my summer ones from. I lived in my purple ones last year, and can't wait for the weather to warm up and slip them on.

    julie Q

  3. Hey Hi...
    Its really creative...very appealing and beautiful...

    Karachi News Alerts

  4. Anonymous7:13 pm

    It's great to have a lot of ideas and creative whims -- finished or unfinished. Keep it up! Lovely photos.


  5. kea, thank you! ah crocheting, it really is quite simple, and i think there are many neat tutorials to find online (or borrow a book at the library), because dealing with yarn, hooks, needles and such is so very relaxing. and with all kitties getting catnip-stuff in crocheted toys, now wouldn't that be fun;)

    thanks, julie, good luck in you birkenstock hunt! oh yes, they are that expensive here too alas...

    thank you, james!

    thanks, paz, you're right, it would be more terrible if there where no ideas and whims at all of course!


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