
Sunday, September 05, 2010

great bag of fabrics


Today I did the unthinkable - in the name of "each day you should do something you've never done before" - I went to IKEA. On a Sunday. Afternoon.

What I think of IKEA in general has already been put to blog.

But now and then I admit to enjoy some of the company's products.

The reason for even thinking of popping by the nearby IKEA store today was that I really needed a couple of proper good shoe shelves for all my beloved El Naturalistas - did I mention the fab time I had in Berlin also involved some serious shoe sale investments? If not I do now. Though I will not admit to exactly how many quite necessary pair of shoes on sale I got. Or how many I have all in all. Let's just say they all quite enjoy the idea of not having to rub shoelders (oh the pun) with other brands. And that I seriously have to start selling and not only thinking about selling some other lovely looking but not as comfy shoes that these days just take up space in closet. Yes it is sad, but hopefully they will one day make someone else happy. End of shoe side note - and IKEA had some decently priced ones.

I had planned just looking and trying them shelves out for intended shoe purpose. And when I saw the MASSIVE amount of people in store and in queues I got both heart-throb and cold sweat. But somehow we ended up getting a pair of shoe shelves and while waiting for the tickets I spotted an irresistible sign on a big box full of bits and pieces of fabrics saying "fill this bag with fabric and pay 70 sek" (which is about 9 usd).


And since M is a certified packaging expert - or so he likes to think - and I'm not too shabby within that area either, we did manage to get a rather impressive amount of densely packed fabrics in that carrier bag. Quite quite lovely fabrics, many many metres for all sorts of sewing purposes, great and small. The value of fabrics is at least ten times the price and I am so so pleased.

I have an inkling of idea as to what I will make of some of the pieces, but most of them I will just savour and save in my arts-and-crafts-studio (room) for the perfect needle-and-thread projects.


Just look,


look, I am feeling so so fabrics lucky!


  1. Oh, what wonderful fabrics and for such a great bargain! My mother, who loves to sew and who is very good at it, would be in heaven. I'd be in heaven too -- with thoughts of all the things she could make for me. LOL.

    Our nearest Ikea is 2 hours away, so I very seldom go. I haven't been in a year, actually. I do have a few pieces of Ikea furniture, some from ten years ago when my ex and I bought this townhouse, some more recent. But I've never purchased fabric. I ever I am able to return, I must take a look!

  2. You were very brave to go to ikea on a Sunday especially in the PM. We have 2 Ikea stores here in Toronto and I wouldn't even think about going after 12 noon. Great fabrics though so it was worth the trip!

  3. This looks like a very good fabric stash! I am not allowed near Ikea on a Sunday afternoon.

  4. My wife operated a fabric store for a few years. Our room above the garage is still filled with fabric.

    An Arkies Musings

  5. Anonymous4:55 pm

    Very nice finds!


  6. i'm no great fan of ikea, kea, as i've written before, but their fabric department is rather wonderful at times. though the organic-ness of the cotton is probably very debatable as is the prices which are usually silly low. i battle with myself thinking such thoughts all the time. sometimes those thoughts lose. obviously. then i'm happy in another kind of way. that said, how wonderful to have a mother who is really good at sewing, lucky you!

    oh, redpat, it was really crazy there and i should probably be really very greatful for escaping alive from the experience!:)

    that does sounds amazing, richies, what a treasure room...!

    thanks, paz!

  7. ha, ha, i like "i'm not allowed near ikea on a sunday afternoon, p.k! from hereon i will have to remember that phrase as a really decent excuse:)

  8. Cute! I can't wait to see what you do with these!


  9. Hi Pia, who's fingers won't start itching when seeing this lovely loot?
    Mine do!

  10. Åååh vad härligt det låter! Ett "arbetsrum" eller kreativitetsrum kanske låter bättre, står högt på min "framtidslista". Jag har pyssellådor här och var, påsar med papper och presentgrejer i garderoben, penslar och färg i ett skåp... Det blir allt för ofta ett sådant meck att ta fram allt (eller egentligen att städa bort allt igen). Uppvuxen i villa och bott på 30 kvm i ca 8 år och nu på 60 kvm i snart 7 år (hjäääälp! har jag verkligen bott här så länge???)

    Ska bli spännande att se vad det ska bli av allt då framöver :-) IKEA är bra att ha emellanåt.


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