
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

woolly gadget covers

So much in life and living is politics, one can't help but think, feel and being involved - and mostly getting quite upset because it somewhat always boils down to mankind being so incredibly stupid, seemingly brain- as well as heartless. Really - but enough of that now. Instead let's blog woolly, lovely yarny stuff.


Because it is that time of the year (however much one would have liked it to be otherwise still...). And if one has to get dressed in layers and woolly, thick clothes again, one might at least do it with colours and cute accessories.


These woolly pouches I crocheted some years back. I thoroughly enjoyed playing with different yarn colours, they were easy enough to make, then finding a quirky button to match. I've used them myself as winter covers for cellphone and iPod (and they could be adjusted to fit an iPhone too) and they are rather useful for all sorts of small items that need some extra protection and such.

Of course you could make some extra embellishment, make them a bit girlier and all that. But I quite like to just let the colours talk. Some have moved to new owners, others I'm planning to get around putting up for sale in Etsy shop. Soon-ish.

In fact, I'm just going through my yarn stash, realising there certainly are quite a lot of sad left over yarn balls that cry out to be made into something useful, or pretty, or preferably both in one piece. So if by chance you think that 'hey, I would like a so-so made', by no means hesitate to ask for a custom order over at the olde Etsy shoppe and I'll see what I might do for you.


Don't forget,
tomorrow Sept 22 midnight CET
is the last day to enter
that blogoversary giveaway


  1. Those are terrific! I love those colours and it's such a great way to use up bits of leftover yarn.

    I have no idea how you manage to juggle work, travel, the photography, crocheting, other creative endeavours....I think you must be SuperWoman! LOL.

  2. thanks, kea! ha, ha, i'm so not a superwoman, there are a lot of things i don't put my energy into, the more chaotic bits of life don't show in blog and well, *work* is what it is these days...

  3. You know that I love these, right? Oh all those yummy colors! They make me happy.

  4. I like the concept of Malte on Yarn Patrol.

  5. Jag vill gärna köpa den röda till min kamera!

    Fick jag nåt svar på om du ville ha en hösthundsbok? Prunsent alltså. Den är liksom redan gjord och hundar gillar jag mest som lajv-varelser mötta i skogen.


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