
Wednesday, December 01, 2010

on december 1st


There is lots and lots of snow here there and everywhere.

I thought it would be fun to see what I wrote on December 1st previous blogging years. So here goes;

2005 - nothing, as I was a bad bad blogger that year
2006 - Outfit Dec 1st, 2006 (apparently I was into that Today's Outfit for a while there...)
2007 - Little sleepers (aww, it's that long since I've had kittens...)
2008 - Christmas lights Stockholm
2009 - Trolls

December. Already. And all this snow. Already.


  1. Nämen guuuuud, röda kattungar, det absolut sötaste som finns på jorden! Tack!

  2. Bonnie Scotland12:02 pm

    Greetings from Scotland, Pia, where we too have lots of snow. I have only just discovered your blog and enjoy catching up with your thoughts. Keep blogging!Your views of both your internal and external worlds are so worth a visit.


    Bonnie Scotland

  3. haha, väl bekomme, pärlbesatt!

    thank you kindly for those words, bonnie!


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