
Friday, June 24, 2011

the bobbaloos' first midsummer


Midsummer, one of those Swedish traditional celebrations completely blown out of proportion (mainly due to the extensive, pathetic and sad alcohol consumption). Like New Year, Midsummer has long since lost its appeal (if it ever had any) to me. I read two tweets that sums up my personal feelings well;

"New Year and Midsummer - celebrations for hags and amateurs only" and "To not drink alcohol hasn't killed anyone". The grumpy part said, it is the bobbaloos first Swedish Midsummer Eve. It has been spent in garden, with flower spotting, veggie barbecueing, strawberries and pastries.


And the adorable Rodney Rose.

I hope you get to spend the Mid summer weekend
in a joyous, kind, summery way ~


  1. Gulligt! Själv har jag läst Peter Temple- rekommenderas varmt pga (eller tack vare) den fantastiska och helt egna språkhanteringen och firar icke denna helg.

  2. Your mid-summer celebration sounds lovely to me.

    I do like a beer or glass of wine, etc., but I've never had a high tolerance for alcohol, so can't drink very much. I'm probably fortunate in the long run!

  3. Yeah, I think it is the same everywhere. Our holidays here in the states seem to revolve around alcohol as well. The best way around it is to get together with the non drinking friends and celebrate your own way. Our Independence Day is coming up on the 4th of July. I am a sucker for a good fireworks show! Want to be able to see them clearly though, so no alcohol for me!

  4. And here in Oz we are known (regretfully) for our excessive alcohol consumption. Deadly. Sigh. Your own weekend plans sound magical - enjoy.

  5. Thanks for coming by my blog today and leaving so many kind comments. I enjoyed reading them!

    Bazinga has not gotten his bath yet, ooops, he somehow talked me out of it. And the scary room, we haven't gotten that brave just yet. When we do, I'm sure it will be a blog.

  6. this comment was accidently deleted, sorry about that:

    - So, I suppose I shouldn't pick seven different kinds of flowers and sleep with them under my pillow? I'm sure my cat would love to play with them while I sleep...
    Rodney Rose is adorable!
    andbluesatinashes -


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