
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

how many bobbaloos does it take to bake a cake?


Or, how many bobbalos fit in an IKEA dalahorse cake tin?

Third question, how much time and effort does it take to convince bobbaloos that cake tin is for baking cake and not a place for sleeping?

Yes today's blogpost was a short, but very very sweet one. Imho.


  1. Love it. Big smiles here in Oz. Thank you.

  2. A dozen babbaloos? :-)

    Much healthier than cake, though perhaps not as tasty. LOL.

    Yes, once I try the teas (purchased on holiday) I'll give my verdict. Okay, if I remember. Ha. I need to get down my fine bone china cups for these teas, I think.

    -Kim (Musings and Fuzzy Tales)

  3. Ah, Pia, I needed a little rainbow of bobbaloos today... Thank you, thank you!

  4. Is this something like "four and twenty blackbirds?" I'd much rather bite into a bobbaloo than a blackbird!

  5. Either your having a much better day than you had as of late or you have totally gone over the edge. As long as your happy, I'm happy and so are the Nevada Clan!

  6. hehehe - thanks for making me laugh!

  7. Anonymous8:46 am

    Oh too cute! I'd say, a baker's dozen? :-)

  8. So delicious :) !


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