
Wednesday, November 02, 2011

bobbaloos and socks


Bobbaloos and socks, two of the best things in life.

I am not ashamed to admit that I have kind of a bobbaloo-wishlist, consisting of colours/colour-combination and personality types. Yes, I'm that crazy. And proud of it. There are worse things to be a bit mad about. And most of us need more madness of the good kind in our lives. The kind of madness goodness that makes a world seriously awry a better place to spend some time in.

On top of said wishlist have been a white and red stripey bob, there's just something especially candylike whimsical to such a character. Not to mention a perfect motif for Christmas cards. With winter approaching I felt it was time to ask Kit kindly for one. And as bobs like to travel in pairs I thought that hey, a red and white stripey bob as company would be perfect for that distinguished role.

And yes, perfect they are, Wartle and Hefflebaum (they obviously play in the same team as Weegurt, Wifflesteinborgen, Miffwinkle and Kinklewort). A birthday-gift to self (and as a note so self here, before the promise to save money).


Of course they have perfect little heinies too.
Like any proper bobbaloo.


After having spent the night chatting excitingly with the rest of the Swedish settlement of small sized woollies they were given their first task today. The inspecting of the latest sock-project. They approved with gusto. (One sock nearly finished, week not over yet, perhaps there will be another one done by end of week.) And then asked about whether their magical sleeeping pouches will be finished some time soon or not. Because having a proper bobbaloo rest is so much easily achieved in a magical bed. So hurry up with those, please, human woolandneedler.



  1. They're very festive looking! But you know, for some reason I had it stuck in my mind that you were felting and making them yourself. A middle-aged brain spasm, obviously. :-)

  2. I check Kit Lane's site frequently, and I saw these two cuties "Reserved for Pia". I laughed, and knew they were headed for the best of homes. ;)

  3. These are so cute(^^).


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