
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

the camera pencil sharpener etc


Looki looki, this is what I got for my name day, a rather fabulous Rolleiflex-ish pencil sharpener. Granted one doesn't use a soft pencil much anymore, but I found it quite irresistable when I spotted it at Fotografiska last autumn. And now I got one, from Kikkerland. It'll be another perfect addition to the pink office.


Admired by all. And ready to be put to sharpening use whenever the soft pencil urge hits.

post-frisör fläta *gillas*

February, as January, has flown by. The last day of the month held a hairdresser appointment for me, which left me with a spurcing and a fine little braid,

stockholm feb 29, 2012

the skies were ridiculously blue and spring was most definitely in the air - though I won't hold my breath it's here for real for good until April arrives - and as a nice round off, the order I placed or not arrived in the afternoon. It looked awesome and joyous. But I've decided it's not really earned until project is finally finished come next Sunday. Thus it won't be any showing and telling until then.

Bye bye February, welcome March ~


  1. Oh goodness, that pencil sharpener is cute!!


  2. Looking forward to the show and tell.

  3. The camera pencil sharpener is very apropos for you....

  4. I have a sharpener that looks like and old 4x5 view press camera. I've had it for nearly 30 (OMG really that long) years

  5. The pencil sharpener is so cute! Oh, I'm missed your name day, sorry! Wish you all the best!


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