
Friday, February 03, 2012

walk and talk and yellow


To get up really, really early on a cold, cold morning (around -15C) to head to IKEA (it takes about 45 minutes by train and bus for me, 10 minutes by car, for those who have a car and ad river's license that is) where we were to meet for this week's walk and talk networking - admittedly that didn't fill me with utter joy when it happened to me this morning. But I did it, I actually did it - I even laid out layer upon layer of suitable clothes to wear to endure the cold the evening before. And THAT does not happen often in my world - and I'm so pleased I did. We were about 10 people that braved the cold and went for a brisk walk in the vicinity of IKEA - it's situated in a rural area, a proper green belt with which offers great walks - and then had a simple breakfast at just that, IKEA (first for me).

#walkandtalk vego frukost på ikea

It was really invigorating, every ten minutes we changed conversation partner, some people one has more common grounds with than others and this was such a great way to just exchange a few words, see what we could possibly do for eachother in terms of business and then perhaps move it to the next level. Or not. It was unpretentious, open-ended and all that walking and fresh air surrounded by a gorgeous winter wonderland, it was truly uplifting.

This particular walk - the walk and talk-sessions are held in several suburbs all over Stockholm and in other cities too - takes place every Friday morning. I will definitely attend more of them and hopefully meet and greet more people.

On my way back home I ran a few errands - I picked up my new identity-card, which turned out quite alright in the end. Now I don't have to silly worry about that until 2017. But hey, there's always a passport that needs to be renewed... - and just by pure luck when I was picking up a few office supplies I noticed they had lots of different Moleskines and quite a few of these special edition PacMans - and Snoop and The Little Prince - that I had been searching for last year. And here they were even cuter in a yellow strawberry version! One can't have too many notebooks.

That I then noticed a yellow Marimekko file lying tad forlorn on top of a shelf, asked if they had more or possibly the Marimekko notebooks I've used up several of but have in vain been looking for for years now and the answer was well no but we'll get more of them soon - in my book that was just brilliant. The sun shone all day and home with me came two sunny office supplies that will have there obvious place in the pink office. Such a befitting round off to the week -

Wishing you a splendidly sunny winter weekend ~


  1. Good to hear that the walk and talk was positive. Have a great weekend.

  2. I've never heard of these walk and talks. What a great idea! (maybe they have them in the states too?)

    "One can't have too many notebooks." An exact quote of my Momma. Sweet that you made me think of her. :)

  3. I'm glad venturing out was productive! Yes, -15C is cold. We've had some days like that, and colder with the windchill, but by and large the winter has been far milder than normal. I'll take it. :-)

    I know how you feel about Ikea. Our nearest one is 2 hours by car; I haven't been in a year or so, I think. Or maybe I did go with a friend sometime in 2010 (to Ottawa), can't recall. I'd love to check out the new store there--it's 3 stories, the largest in Canada. There's a lot that doesn't appeal to me at Ikea, but some things that do.

    Anyway, good luck with future business meetings like this. Networking is crucial!

  4. I am so envious of you, having people to walk with! I walk alone, with my dog, out in the country, and of course there are the beautiful sky and the fields and the birds and the occasional moose or deer or fox or coyote, but any time I am fortunate enough to have a friend along, it is also wonderful.


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