
Friday, March 23, 2012

five friday snaps


Yes, getting out of bed early is hellish, but I did it, I really did. The sun shone, the skies were incredibly blue and it was a gorgeous day - ie a perfect day for walk and talk. And it was a lovely such, I'm glad I went. Although I could have skipped that strawberry jam I managed to take with me in handbag. Had a pancake with strawberry jam at IKEA after the walk and somehow a dollop of jam thought it was a nice idea to tag along when I left. The content of handbag did get a bit sticky, hopefully I got it all out.

easter happiness, i want a yellow hoptimist too!

I spotted a yellow Easter Hoptimist. I now want a yellow Easter Hoptimist very much.

Apparently yellow is my current colour of obsession interest. I would love a yellow handbag, I spotted a gorgeous vegan one, but then it was sadly discontinued.

tortie cat meet

We met a sweet cat lady. I have a fair share of sweet cat ladies in my life already, so I just said a thorough 'hi' to this one before we each went our own way.

outdoors lunch

Then it was time for the first outdoors lunch this year, yayness! Greek salad and sourdough bread at Bakgården.

spring has sprung

As most of you know by now, apart from shoe per diem and such I prefer to be behind camera and not in front - the last issue was the silly dreaded new identity card thing... - but I felt a little spring has sprung capture was called for. Plus I need a proper reminder to wear the fabulous Isle of Skye tweed hat before weather gets too warm. And possibly its tweed friend too.

Happy weekend one and all!


  1. Happy weekend to you too! That salad is making me very hungry. Yummy-looking.

    I, too, prefer to be hidden away behind the keyboard and camera. :-)

    But it's nice to put a face to the words behind the blog, yes? Yes!

  2. Hello Pia

    I love the color yellow too. A very happy color!

    Tracy :)


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