
Thursday, August 02, 2012

castlespotting with bobbaloos

castlespotting - drottningholm

still having issues with focusing, including blogging. but a little photo here and there, that i can always do. and you can always rely on bobbaloos. these three nearby castles (svartsjö, world heritage site drottningholm and little ljunglöfska) are old news for us, but new and exciting for little bobbaloos who always appreciate a little magic, fairytailish ambiance and pretty architecture.

so when i lack focus (and really, too too much to write about, thus instead very little get written and blogged about at the still summer moment...), bobbaloos are there to help...

castlespotting - ljunglöfska

castlespotting - svartsjö

all bobbaloos are made by kit lane ~


  1. Very fairytale, everyone has problems focusing now and again.... will you be making anymore 'bobs' soon please :-)

  2. Ljuvliga bilder på bobbarna (orkar inte skriva hela ordet och tänka på hur de stavar, sorry. Migrän oblige, typ.)


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