
Friday, August 31, 2012

goodbye august, you brought red shoes

to be honest you have been a dull and uninspiring month, with few exceptions.

on the last of your days the rain poured down, i learnt that i apparently have a salt level deficiency - no i haven't run a marathon, sweat a lot or had a bad tummy day, rather the opposite after i gave up dairy - which needs to be looked into (all tests and now my weird condition still a mystery...).

in the last of you days, august, i also welcomed a pair of shoes. red. again. (the sad fact of the faulty purple pair, the refund turned into a red on sale find). i'm happy to say they really are even lovelier irl than in picture. spring/summer/autumn perfectness.

i hope the first weekend of september will bring only sweetness ~ have a lovely one!

1 comment:

  1. And a happy September to you, to the bobbaloos, the furs and anyone else of importance in your world.


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