
Friday, November 02, 2012


hallo there ben and craig

quite enjoyed it, not as much as 'casino royale' - though definitely a lot more than the rubbish 'quantum of solace' - but still stylish, a refreshing semi-lack of outdated stale sexism and stereotypes. brimming with picture postcard views and scenes. partly taking place in scotland, bonnie scotland.

javier bardem, brilliant as usual. and ben whishaw. of course any movie including ben is worth seeing.

as usual ridiculous product placement galore and destroying all those vw beetles, broke my heart. i've also learnt that cool guys walk like monkeys.

daniel craig is a rather nice actor, but to be honest people who lack subcutaneous fat and show no wobbly bits whatsoever scare me. the amount of time they must put in counting calories and exercise regimes - when do they relax and enjoy life? can't help but wonder how many superübertight pants he ripped strutting his non wobbly bits throughout the filming of skyfall.

accompanying bobbaloos loooved meeting ben whishaw and daniel craig up close too. all and all, afternoon well spent.

have you seen it? what did you think?

1 comment:

  1. On the right day, I might admit to a fierce crush on Javier Bardem, wobbly bits or no. Bobs are too cute. ;)


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