
Saturday, February 23, 2013

blue skies, orange juice

blue skies, crisp air, sun in sky and in glass.

as long as i'm not at home, where everything i do, everywhere i go is a constant reminder something essential is missing, i can pretend everything is alright.


  1. My heart does go out to you. Wish I could help you fix your broken one and stop that empty feeling you have. I dread to think what it will be like when Mr. GimLee is gone.

  2. My heart hurts for and with you.

  3. Oh Miss Pia, we have only just read about sweet Malte. How very sorry we are, we know you loved that boy so very very much, and your heart must be broken into little pieces.

    Sending you our hugs across the oceans.

    Julie and Poppy Q


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Other than that, truly lovely to hear from you ~