
Saturday, April 27, 2013

sweet cakes bakebook

cafe tant gredelin

Having Saturday breakfast at one of my favourite cafés - blogged about the place 4,5 years ago here - is always a treat. This time we also found that they'd published their own bakebook, "Söta kakor" = Sweet cakes/cookies, by Cafe Tant Gredelin.

I certainly don't bake as much as I used to, but getting my own signed copy was obviously a must.

To be honest it was a long long time since I felt cook- and bakebooks were inventive and inspirational, so many recipes are the same or very similar, like they desperately trying to invent the wheel all over again. Even if I mostly get them to look at pretty pictures I also find that the style of pictures continues to be oh so very similar too. We're living in a world where it gets continously harder to be truly original, be it cookbooks or crafts or fashion or anything really. 

It would have been nice if the recipes held less sugar, no gelatine (or at least pointed to the vegan options) and the cake tin measures. That said, I do overall enjoy the bakebook - mainly because there are two favourite bake goodies from Tant Gredelin in it I'd love to try making myself (custard bun and  crunchy raspberry pie with white chocolate) and other mouthwatering things too of course. It's a sweet book, in every sense, much like the cafe itself.

cafe tant gredelin


  1. Simply cozy looking!

  2. The crunchy raspberry (my favourite fruit) pie sounds wonderful.


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