
Sunday, April 07, 2013

woe empty food bowls

someone forgot to feed us

Oh the tragedy, an all nighter without enough food.
Someone forgot to feed us, someone forgot to refill our bowls.
Our tummies are tiny, our belly buttons hollow.
The bowls are too few, the feeding station to small.
We would like to make an official complaint,
can somebody hear us?

someone forgot to feed us


  1. Awww, your tummies must be very hungry, huh! Poor darlings they had to be awfully busy to have forgotten all of you! You need do something about this... A against one!! Good Odds!!! Meow....

  2. Hummm, perhaps you can contact the K.P.S. (Kittie Protection Services)!?! You do all look soooo starved and mistreated and unloved, etc. (grin)

  3. Such cruelty. I hope you are very, very ashamed. And, if my cats are anything to go by, they have made you feel that shame.

  4. Oh yes, I can hear you. Poor kitties. But you know what? one day without food would do no harm. after all you ate far too much on Easter...
    love to all of you


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