
Friday, October 11, 2013

happy october weekend ~

I know it was only the other day I posted autumn pictures in blog, but really, the colours are stunning right now! Now we're talking autumnal colours for really real here! And a bit of sun and blue skies doesn't hurt the eye either.

- I know the above picture looks scary, but it was them bobbaloos who thought trying the fly agaric would spice things up. I'm a bit worried though, fingers crossed there won't be any need for an emergency room bobbaloo visit during the night. Kit suggested the eating of fly alaric might give the small sized woollies flying capacities instead of being harmful. That would be awesome! -

autumn stockholm suburb

autumn stockholm suburb

autumn stockholm suburb

autumn stockholm suburb

Wishing you a colourful, wonderful and
inspired October weekend!

1 comment:

  1. How very beautiful. And I am smiling at the thought of a flock of flying bobbaloos - have a great weekend.


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